We are delighted to have closed out our 2019 filled with strength, hope, and dedication.
We want to thank those that always help us out, those who help out when they can, those that share our ideals, and those who dream of changing the world for allowing us to continue our work.
Due to all of your unwavering support, we were able to put huge smiles on more than 300 children from Nueva Libertad, Victor Raul, and Alto Trujillo on Christmas day.
Look at the following images we collect for you:

This year we return, batteries fully charged, to bring summer activities to the Victor Raul and Nueva Libertad communities. 100 boys and girls will have a wonderfully exciting vacation, filled with English, Science, Sports, Feminism, Yoga, Gardening, Art, Reading, and Theater workshops.
We want to thank all of our volunteers for making this possible!

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