Good news from Peru
School is here, time to achieve goals

For 2 years the Nueva Libertad community has had the community restaurant project. They have learned about food management, administration, computing, and everything that is necessary to manage it. At the end of 2020, it was time to let them handle everything with a shorter accompaniment. Remaining the promise to continue with the self-sustainable operation on behalf of their community.
Today they have achieved 2 goals
1. Finish the walls and roof of the community
library. Now only needs to make the walls beautiful and add some colors.
2. Be able to pay for their children's school supplies on their own. Which we are
proud to say that they have achieved 90%.
This is the first year that they have been able to go with us to do the shopping, organize the materials and deliver their school supplies to the 36 children in their community. In 2022 we hope that they can do everything on their own 100%.
This support is based on the effort and dedication of its residents but especially its leaders like Estela, Rosalina, Belinda, and Mirtha, women and young people who work day by day for the well-being of their families.
They are small steps that make a difference and we are happy and proud to share with you promising to keep working in the community Empowerment.
Our current goal is to help them put up an internet antenna that allows the children in the area to go to the library and have a computer where they can attend classes and not lose another year. With your support, it will be possible!!

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