We did it!
Work at Nueva Libertad community advances.

In April we commented about the internet connection goal at Nueva Libertad Community Library. Today this dream has come true thanks to the collaborator's support and the community's hard work.
Today the Library has access to the Internet, a laptop, and finally the much-needed printer for the kids' homework.

Continuing with the goal of achieving independence and self-sustainability. Leaders like Estela and Mirtha have managed to correctly manage the community store project and obtain the funds to cover 90% of the cost of the equipment. With it, they bring a great benefit to their community, and the learning that community work pays off. We will continue with our work of economic empowerment, accompanying and advising them so that more benefits and access to rights continue to be given in the area.
And now, what's next?
The library already has a laptop, internet, printer. Now it is time to add some colour, get more computers, and implement a system that allows all the kids to attend. In this process, the main point is to involve the families so they are the ones who can carry out this project by themselves. We trust that they will be able to achieve it!
The community jumps from having no water or any community service to having water, a community restaurant, community store, library, annual academic materials, and the internet.
Now it is time to replicate all this in the Victor Raúl Community.

a common space

a community library
Thank you for having made it possible, your trust, support, volunteering, and support messages, always drive us to move forward, working for a Peru where we all have access to our rights.
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