After several days of working on building a new center, the Nueva Libertad community was able to enjoy some downtime to walk through a photo exhibition in which they were the stars! It was an unforgettable moment for all the families, as they looked at their photos in awe of how their gaze could convey such a deep history.
The Victor Raúl Community Restaurant, United Families, ended its first administrative period on a high. The United Family members successfully organized to elect five new women to their board, and the elected board members will fulfill their duties by continuing to improve the restaurant for the good of the community.
We had two administrative groups from the United Families community restaurant meet at our friends, Berry Palte's, vegetarian restaurant, Otra Cosa. Their day consisted of intense training that covered topics such as accounting, food handling, and nutrition. They also had the opportunity to try their first vegetarian dish.

We had a lovely surprise at the end of the month. Our volunteer Nuria Sáinz Mañas - who has been working with us for a year as an international aid worker and community library coordinator - arrived! The team and community were completely elated by her surprise arrival and look forward to working together in improving Sayariy projects.

Our friends at La Tarumba gifted, 50 children from the Nueva Libertad and Víctor Raúl communities of El Porvenir, a beautiful afternoon full of magic and delight with their show "Volver." We are forever grateful for our friends at Turismo Milagritos, who helped us safely transport the children to and from their homes for this event.
For the first time is Sayariy's history, we conducted an official pledging ceremony for our board of directors and new members. Our volunteers, practitioners, partners, and community representatives had a wonderful time together.


With support from Defensoría de la Mujer Alto Trujillo, the Here and Now organization's INTERVENARTE project invited ten children and adolescents from El Porvenir to participate in a fun-filled day consisting of graffiti art classes and integrated games with a focus on improving soft skills.

After processing the results from the Construyendo Masculinidades Saludables #CMAS (Building Healthy Masculinities) campaign, our campaign was chosen to participate in the II Coloquio Nacional de Masculinidades event - organized by the Red Peruana de Masculinidades (Peruvian Network of Masculinities) and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú - PUCP in Lima - Perú.

We had the chance to highlight our organization's achievements within different communities through the "Why reemerge in a country that does not want to look different?" exhibition, at the Nuestra Lucha conference, organized by The National Latinx Psychological Association (NLPA) in the city of Miami.

Our Cultural Exchange Program volunteer, Katrine, collaborated with the Education Sector by teaching English classes to the Alto Trujillo community. She was so moved by her experience at Sayariy and Peru, that she decided to share her expertise through her presentation to new volunteers at Global Contact.

Our last group of Cultural Exchange volunteers arrived, and they'll close out the academic year by offering English classes to more than five hundred, 3rd-6th-grade children at the I.E Ramón Castilla elementary school in Alto Trujillo, Peru.
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