This summer we ran many different activities in our Community Library in Nueva Libertad. More than 20 kids attended cooking, English, dance, reading and recycling art workshops.

The enterprise Hortifrut – Perú S.A.C. donated 97 straw mattresses for the families of Nueva Libertad and Víctor Raúl.

We started the social campaign “Building healthy masculinities #CMAS”, along with several private and public institutions in the city. It lasted for 3 months, including: conferences, workshops and exhibitions for students, professionals and the general public.

With the help of American School students, our volunteers organized the renovation of the community library. Thanks to the colorful and creative ideas of the kids and teenagers from the community, now the library looks splendidly artistic!

Just before the school year started, we delivered 78 educational packs (with notebooks, pencils, markers, paint, etc) according to the school level of each child. Thanks to this, they could go back to school with all of their materials, ready to develop their cognitive capacities.
Through their CAS program, 5th grade students from Fleming College started running workshops in the Community Library of Nueva Libertad. They are part of the English teaching team, early stimulation, school reinforcement and playground renovation. They will join us all year long.

América Solidaria invited 12 teenagers from our communities to apply for the Award “Con Causa 19”, which promoted social skills for teenagers as they collaborated together, using their creativity and leadership to design a project focused on sustainable development. It was a very enriching encounter, because scholars from different environments of La Libertad had the opportunity to learn more about Sustainable Development Goals and their impact on society.

The celebration of mother’s day was full of love and emotion! All of the women in Nueva Libertad and Víctor Raúl gathered together and organized their own homage. It was the first year they have self-organized and shown us how empowered they are.

Our nursing volunteers and this project’s team weighed and measured the height of all kids in the communities. This preliminary data of the kids will permit us to evaluate the nutritional impact of the trainings and workshops on nutrition provided to the women involved in the community restaurants.

Like preceding years, mental health professionals and graduate students from the united states arrived from PASEO, the global mental health organization we collaborate with. They worked directly with Nueva Libertad and Victor Raul families.

They assessed the cognitive development of the kids, in order to provide feedback to the families on how to promote their child’s intellectual development and better understand their developmental process.

Some time ago the inhabitants of Nueva Libertad began thinking about building a community center. Getting the space, the materials, and the workforce was not easy. But little by little with everyone’s help, it has begun to come together. It’s been intense and hard work, and we are just at the beginning!
Alicia, our volunteer in charge of the library, gave a brilliant training to all volunteers about cooperation strategies on working with kids and teens.

Internship students and volunteers from different areas had a whole day to share our experiences including what he have learned and achieved. This helped promote team cohesiveness.

We thank UPAO Theater “Víctor Raúl Lozano Ibáñez” and Turismo Milagritos for making a dream of many families in Nueva Libertad come true: to go see a play in the theater. For some of them it was their first time, making it even more exciting! Performing arts provides a creative way to learn values and increase awareness about what is going on around us. This time we saw Los Fabulatas. No doubts that the little ones were amazed!

We had a beautiful birthday party for all the kids that attend the library and whose birthday is between January and July, wishing them all a happy and beautiful birthday. It was a day full of surprises, games, cakes, presents and lots of love, shared with their friends, family and volunteers.
A very special date for Sayariy: our anniversary! Finishing up the year’s activities, nostalgic but happy, we all celebrated together: with a Trivia Night at home, in our office!

It’s been a challenging process, but we never give up. It’s incredible to see all the things that we have achieved all together: it wouldn’t be possible without you.
Thanks for being part of Sayariy!
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